Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

French Compiler Community

In 2010, Laure Gonnord and Fabrice Rastello created the french community of compilation, which had no organized venue in the past. All groups with activities related to compilation were contacted and the first “compilation day” was organized in Lyon. This effort has been quickly a success: the community (http://compilfr.ens-lyon.fr/) is now well identified and 3-days workshops now occur at least once a year (the 11th event has been organized in Sep. 2016). The community is animated by Laure Gonnord and Fabrice Rastello since 2010, and now also by Florian Brandner (ex-Compsys too). Alain Darte and Tomofumi Yuki participated to the 11th edition.

Recognized as a sub-group of the CNRS GDR GPL (Software Engineering and Programming), the community is also in charge, since 2014, of organizing one day of the research school “Ecole des jeunes chercheurs en Algorithmique et Programmation” (EJCP). Tomofumi Yuki, in this context, gave a half-day lecture at the 2016 edition (http://ejcp2016.univ-lille1.fr/), following his 2015 course.

Collaboration with Parkas group, in Paris

Alain Darte and Paul Feautrier have regular meetings with Albert Cohen, from the Parkas team at ENS Paris. The current discussions are mostly related to the analysis and compilation of the OpenStream language developed by Parkas, a research topic that started though the ManycoreLabs project (see previous reports). The results of Sections 7.2 and 7.1 are related to this collaboration. Now that Compsys has been stopped, Paul Feautrier is affiliated to Parkas, in addition to his emeritus position at ENS-Lyon.

Collaboration with Cairn group, in Rennes

Tomofumi Yuki continues to work with the Cairn group through regular meetings and occasional visits. The topic of the collaboration is in applying compiler techniques for hardware design using high-level synthesis. Section 7.5 presents the results through this collaboration.

Collaboration with Camus group, in Strasbourg

Paul Feautrier and Tomofumi Yuki have an ongoing cooperation with Alain Ketterlin and Eric Violard (Camus group, Strasbourg). The main result has been the determination of the happens before relation of clocked X10, a prerequisite for the detection of races in clocked programs. The resulting formula has been proved correct using the Coq proof assistant. Publishing formal proofs is known to be difficult, but we will give it a try soon.